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APMap Library Standard 1.2

APMap Library Standard 1.2

APMap Library Standard Publisher's Description

The most natural way to show territorial data is geographical map. APMap is not just a simple GIS (geoinformation system), but a set of components for including geographical view of numeric data in your programs. There are several methods of assigning colors to map objects in APMap; you may select necessary method and set its properties to receive the most visual representation of data.

Several sample map patterns included into APMap setup, but you may prepare map pattern (vector-based multilayer drawing) yourself by means of APMap Editor utility. You may vectorize your map there, import DXF drawings, select active layer for data output (e. g., layer with polygons of countries, provinces, districts and so on) and bind objects of this layer to corresponding territories in database (codes of territories are assigned to map objects).

You may show numeric data that were generated by your program (TAPMapData component) or loaded from database (TAPDBMapData component) on visual component TAPMapDataView (descendant of TAPMapView component). Map pattern may be included into application or may be stored in separate file to be opened by program when necessary.

You may visit APMap Page to learn more about it.

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